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Private Classes

We believe that each story is unique and most deserving of our dedicated attention.

something for everyone

Looking for a more bespoke, tailored and private learning experience? From the Cha cha, Waltz to the Bachata, we have it all planned out for you. Speak to us for your very own tailored classes today.
  • Singular Classes

    $ 150 1 Class: 50 Minutes
    • Need a taste-test before registering for the group packages?
    • A singular private class is good enough to do the trick!
    • Inform us in advance of your private class goals!
    • Ideal for students who prefer a more bespoke, one-to-one, class experience.
    • Class booking required to avoid disappointment.
    • All our private classes are tailored to the needs of the individual / couple. Valid for up to two (2) individuals. Suitable for both private children / adult dance classes.
    • Enquire for custom package for additional guests.
    • Suitable for competitive or performance-based ballroom dances including Latin, Standard and Social Ballroom
  • Set of Four

    $ 550 4 Classes: 50 Minutes Each
    • Suitable for private class students looking at a longer term of dancing with a preferred package price!
    • Inform us in advance of your private class goals!
    • Ideal for students who prefer a more bespoke, one-to-one, class experience.
    • Class booking required to avoid disappointment.
    • All our private classes are tailored to the needs of the individual / couple. Valid for up to two (2) individuals. Suitable for both private children / adult dance classes.
    • Enquire for custom package for additional guests!
    • Suitable for competitive or performance-based ballroom dances including Latin, Standard and Social Ballroom

Let's Dance!

Ready to dance? Just a few simple steps to booking your classes! Complete the form below and we'll be with you shortly! Need some assistance? Drop us an email at dance@shallwedance.sg or whatsapp and or call us at +65 87795567
× Shall We Dance?