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What is a Wedding Dance and 8 Reasons Why you should consider doing it

Mesmerised by the fairytale moments by prince charming and the princesses? Don’t just wish, here’s that one moment to make it all possible! Whether it’s that one thing that you’ve really wanted to do or YOLO, here’re eight reasons why you should #justdoit

The wedding dance is a meaningful display of the couple’s story. It is a harmonious reflection of their continuous commitment to each other and visual display of the way they express themselves through a song that has been a pertinent part of their journey.

What is a Wedding Dance and 8 Reasons Why You Should Do It

1. Meaningful and Purposeful

  • Meaningful reflection of the couple: The wedding dance is a meaningful display of the couple’s story. It is a harmonious reflection of their continuous commitment to each other and visual display of the way they express themselves through a song that has been a pertinent part of their journey.
  • Memorable lyrics: The choice of song says it all, it holds meaning to the couple and evokes strong memories that reminds them of their courtship. Perhaps they heard it at their first date, perhaps during their romantic drive home, perhaps they always play it during their “month-saries”, essentially, it’s a song with strong lyrical significance that encompasses their story.
  • Thanking your guests: Beyond being a visual spectacular by the most important people on the big day itself, there is no greater way to showcase your appreciation for your guests’ presence than to present to them your story in an artful and soulful manner.

2. Exercises commitment, trust and tenacity

Skye: “A wedding dance is like climbing a mountain, you can’t expect one person to do all the work and hope that everything would work out. It’s teamwork, between the couple and the instructor, the couple are the climbers and the instructor is merely a sherpa. On the big day itself, it’s up to the couple themselves. And the only way to get there, is through teamwork, practice, trust and commitment.

  • The wedding dance is the perfect opportunity to build commitment, trust and tenacity, but it serves as a key platform for the couple to build positive experiences and provides many opportunities to reinforce their commitment, trust and tenacity.
  • Commitment: You can’t perform a wedding dance without any of the above. If there’s no commitment, the practices won’t happen.
  • Trust: If there’s no trust, most of the lead and follow can’t happen, the lifts and tricks can’t happen.
  • Tenacity: It’s important to also have grit and tenacity, as much as there’s much work to be done as a couple, a good amount of the work happens on the individual level as well. The individuals must first be able to execute their individual roles then can they support their other half.
  • Teamwork: After the individual homework has been dine, it’s time to know what your other half is doing, and what they require from you to execute their steps! What better to way to reinforce the T for two in team?

3. Therapeutic and Stress Relieving

  • Therapeutic: The wedding dance is a project that requires both individuals to bring their best to the table, continually exhibiting positive reinforcements, and it makes the difference between “He didn’t give me the lead” and “Could you please lead me in this way”. Same request made through a different way. This strengthens the way the couple can approach all other projects, topics and matters.
  • Stress Relieving: The entire wedding planning and process itself usually gets quite hectic and stressful because it’s beyond the couple. It becomes about the family, the relatives, the vips, the friends, the coworkers and many others.
  • Safe Haven: But the wedding dance is very much about the couple only. It gives the couple a safe haven to be all about themselves, and spend quality time together during the entire storm towards the wedding. During that one hour or more, it gives the couple to drop everything and forget everything in the world. To renew and re-energise themselves and each other. After a good rest, emerging stronger, all ready to tie up the loose ends!

4. Satisfying

  • There is no greater satisfaction to look at your practice videos and eventually, your wedding dance video on the big day and be very satisfied with your achievements, as a couple. It’s THE MASTERPIECE that was complete by both of you!

It was the best day of our lives! I know it sounds really cliché but we honestly had so much fun with our family and friends that had flew over just to be with us for our wedding weekend. It was amazing to have seen all our hard work come into fruition. – Ian and Jessica

Looking back, I love watching my now-husband twirl me around on the dancefloor. Beyond the flashy dance moves, I can tell from the way he looks at me and the way he holds me that he truly treasures me. We’re so lucky to have that memory captured on video and we’ve already spent many late nights reminiscing over the beautiful evening. Dominic and Jennifer

5. Mentally and Physically Enriching

  • Couples can expect themselves to be enriched in a few fronts, including
    • Learning more about themselves: The way their body works, their abilities, their inabilities and how to overcome them. The brain is excited to be learning something new!
    • Learning more about each other: Learning both about the abilities and inabilities of each other and how they can both overcome them. Beyond that, how they can overcome the limitations or synergise and create new moments with each other.
    • Learning a new skill: Dancing is part art part science, especially if you’re doing it for the first time, the new experience will require you to embrace and express yourself through the known and unknown. It excites and challenges both the body and brain, exercising and flexing both your physical and neuro muscles!

6. Extremely Practical and Useful

  • For the photoshoots: Scratching your head for poses? Beyond the regular wedding shots, impress both your photographer and guests with moves and poses from your highlights!
  • For the anniversaries and celebrations: Beyond the gifts, cakes and fanfare, one thing remains special between the couple, and that’s the wedding dance and all the practices, teamwork, commitment, trust and tenacity. What better way to celebrate the relationship than to dance!
  • For the company and social events to come: Gone are the days of being a wall flower, you’re all set and ready to groove and move!

7. Hearty and Healthy Work Out

  • Both your heart and health will thank you for those class and practice hours! Especially if you’re looking to shape up for the big day, the wedding dance provides a cardio celebration that’s beyond the norms!
  • A simple lift will require the couple to engage their core, arms and legs muscles in the correct manner while focusing on their expressions to look effortless and graceful!

8. Memorable and Timeless


Skye’s famous quote to his couples, practice, practice, practice, because once the moment is over, it’s over! so practice while you can!

  • Memorable and unique: The wedding dance will always be both memorable and perfect. Whether it was executed in precision with regard to timing and choreography, or not, it will be perfect. It’s the perfect memory to keep, it reminds the couple of who they are and what they are. The team they are, and that they are human, every dance will be unique and special.
  • Timeless: When it’s finally immortalised in videos and photos, it’ll be a timeless memory to be revisited whenever and wherever. Beyond that, the wedding dance is a choreography unique to the couple, ready to be reminisced whenever, wherever!


Not convinced? Here’s what our couples have to say! Read more about their stories here!

I thought my husband and I would never be able to dance elegantly, but he proved me wrong! Over the course of a few weeks, we both turned from shy insecure dancers, to looking confident and composed on our big day! – Dominic and Jennifer

It was great! Everyone enjoyed the dance! The wedding party was involved in the dance too and there was so much joy and laughter from everyone! It was so fun and we absolutely loved it. – Yi Xian and Zi En

Overall everyone was full of compliments of our choreography and mostly amazed by the limited time we spent on getting it right. – Yong Jian and Pei Wen

Happy dancing!

Be it standard ballroom dance classes, latin ballroom dance classes, social ballroom dance classes, wedding dance classes, bridal dance classes, first dance classes, father-and-daughter dance classes, partner dance classes, anniversary dance classes, children dance classes or adult dance classes, we look forward to seeing you in class!


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